In this study, indoor 3D modeling study of Sırçalı Masjid in located in the Karatay district of Konya province was carried out by using the terrestrial photogrammetry method. The Masjid was built in the single-domed masjid type of Seljuk period. The single-domed masjid type is a type of building with square or rectangular base area. However, in order for the dome design to fit in to a square or rectangular sub-structure, a transitional element is needed. The Turkish Triangle was used as transition elementst of facilitate the transition from a square-shaped sub-structure to a circular structure in Sırçalı Masjid. With this study, the dome transition elements, which are difficult to model in terms of classical architectural survey, have been modeled successfully by the terrestrial photogrammetry technique in a short time. It has also been proven that terrestrial photogrammetry can be used effectively in the indoor 3D modelling projects.
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