
Right of protection of personal data is among the fundamental human rights and freedoms and it bears significant importance legal state principle and democracy to gain depth. Protection of personal data has gained great importance in the last forty years time. An important factor relating with this is that privacy area of private lives of people has become more defenceless as information and communication technologies developed and capacities to collect data and to process them automatically increased. Depending on technological and democratic development levels, countries have begun to take important steps to establish legal arrangements and institutional structures with the aim to protect personal data starting from 1970s onward. In Turkey with the provision which is added to the Constitution in 2010, the necessary legal basis relating with protection of personal data has been established. In 2016, the law about the protection of personal data has been accepted and the legal arrangement deficiency in this area has been eliminated. In our study, the provisions of law relating with the protection of personal data will be investigated and afterwards measures which are required to be taken for the protection of existing personal data will be examined in the Geographic Information System, being a database processing system with private computer support which is used with the aim to collect, preserve, process, analyse, and display geographical data, within the context of international law and national regulations.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Data Protection of Personal Data Geographic Information Systems

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