Nowadays, television is at the head of devices where people can have fun in their homes, and people spend most of their time on television. So, they want to purchase a pretty good television. At the head of these televisions are three-dimension televisions (3DTVs). Since purchasing a television is a long-term shopping, it is necessary to evaluate it with great care and to determine its best before purchasing it. Evaluation of the best 3D TV is a complex problem with no definite structure and it depends on the features of the 3D TVs. There are many performance indicators as dynamic contrast ratio, refresh rate, power consumption on mode, depth, weight, cost, response time etc. affecting the decision-making process about 3D TVs. Therefore, evaluation of 3D TVs is a complex decision- making process. Hence, this problem can be solved by multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods. In this paper, eight popular 3D TVs considered to be purchased in technology markets are compared by using six specifications obtained from its catalog and the experts’ opinion. In this study, in order to determine the best 3D TV, alternative 3D TVs were first sorted by using Fuzzy Techniques for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method, and then, the sensitivity analysis was performed. Secondly, to compare the 3D TV ranking obtained from Fuzzy TOPSIS method, 3D TVs were ordered by using Domination Power of an Individual Genetic Algorithm (DOPGA) method and necessary comparisons and evaluations were made and the best 3D TV was selected.
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