ABSTRACT: The most important, complex and time-consuming process of land consolidation is known as the reallocation phase. Reallocation processes in land consolidation projects in Turkey is made according to farmer preferences (interview). Besides, the optimization studies based on the mathematical models for the reallocation process in many scientific researches in addition to reallocation model based on interview have been conducted. But, because there isn’t a precise mathematical model for the reallocation process, many different solutions have been suggested.
In this study, importance of reallocation in land consolidation and interview-based and block priority-based reallocation models has been described. Also, the results of the block priority-based reallocation model that makes land reallocation by being take into account respectively the largest parcels belong to the farmers have been obtained. The results which are obtained from the block priority-based reallocation model has been compared with the results which are obtained from the interview-based reallocation model. In the consolidation area of the Üçhüyükler neighborhood Çumra-Konya-Turkey, previously the number of cadastral parcels were 265, the number of interview-based reallocation method parcels were 243. The number of this parcels according to the block priority-based reallocation model that is applied in this study have decreased to 237. Average parcel size was 3.30 hectares before consolidation in this region. Average parcel size has increased to 3.60 hectares according to the interview-based reallocation model and to 3.36 hectares according to the block priority-based reallocation model.Anahtar Kelimeler
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PDF (English)Referanslar
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