Yusuf YILMAZ, Sadık ATA, Gürol ÖNAL, Abdullah IŞIKTAŞ, Kevser DİNCER


In this study, hydroxy (HHO) dry cell with different plate combination performances in terms of current, temperature and flow rate were experimentally investigated and modeled with Rule-Based Mamdani-Type Fuzzy (RBMTF) modeling technique. Input parameters plate number and time; output parameters current, temperature and flow rate were described by RBMTF if-the rules. The dimensions of the plates were 10x10 cm2 and 11x11 cm2. Current and temperature were measured for the different plate combination. This paper presents a fuzzy logic based study for estimating the uncertainty of the HHO drycell parameters. The 80 values between 90th and 270th seconds, which are not obtained from experimental work for 10x10 cm2 and 11x11 cm2 current, temperature and flow rate are predicted by fuzzy logic method. One of the results is; the current value predicted by RBMTF for the 11-2 plate combination and t=90 s is less than the current value from the results of the experimental work for the 11-2 plate combination and t=60 s, but higher than the current value from the results of the experimental work for 11-2 plate combination and t=120s.The comparison between experimental data and RBMTF is done by using three different statistical method. These are, root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE) and the coefficient of multiple determination (R2). For 10x10 cm2 dimension plate, RMSE, MAE and R2 for the current is 0.13, 0.111 and 96.44% respectively. For 11x11 cm2 dimension plate, RMSE, MAE and R2 for the current is 0.07926, 0.06466 and 98.44% respectively. coefficient of multiple determinations (R2). As a result, RBMTF model has shown satisfying relation with experimental results, which suggests an alternative approach to estimation of performance HHO dry cell with different plate combination.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Fuzzy Logic; HHO Dry Cell; Plate Combination

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