Sinkholes are commonly defined as deep pits giving the appearance of a chimney or well resulting by collapsing of underground rivers in horizontal or near-bedded lime stones or active cave ceilings. Sinkholes appear as deep pits in the so-called karst land, usually on limestones and carbonates that are easily rinsed with water. The sinkhole occurrences in our country are very often seen on the Obruk Plateau in the Konya Closed Basin. In Karapinar region and its surroundings located in this plateau, especially in recent years surface deformations and sinkhole formations are frequent. The resulting sinkholes in the field of agriculture and occurred in areas close to residential areas is to upset the locals.
Several studies have been carried out about the formation of sinkholes in Konya Closed Basin and especially around Karapinar. As a result of the literature survey, different information about the number of sinkholes in the region has been reached. Therefore, an inventory information system that is as up-to-date as daily, accurate, and rich in attribute information (position information, shape, diameter, depth, distance to settlements, year of formation, region etc.), has been created as a result of detailed field work, analyzing satellite images, and examining digital terrain model. The inventory information of the 283 objects created within the scope of the study will be used as support data in the future hazard, risk and planning studies. In addition, the inventory data will be shared through a Web-based system with the relevant people and institutions. The Geoinformation System-like Web application is built using Google Maps and Fusion Tables services for data storage and management, both are free services from Google Inc. The web application's infrastructure includes HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Google Maps API V3, and Google Fusion Tables API technologies. Using these technologies, it is possible to create effective map "Mash-Up" applications by adding Google maps to a Web page, where spatial data is stored in Fusion Tables and can be displayed as a layer on Google maps. The sinkhole inventory information system presented with web-based application is handled in detail in this article.
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