Waste tires have been an increasing problem every year due to the increase of vehicle sales. The disposal of waste tires has presented very serious problems to the human community in the world. Currently, some research has been studied on not only waste tire chips (WTC) but also recycled steel tire fibres (RSF) in concrete. Recent study is focusing on the usage of WTC and RSF in concrete mixture. The different weight of WTC and RSF is mixed in concrete in order to investigate the effect on mechanical properties. By adding WTC and RSF obtained a satisfactory improvement on cracking control, compressive strength, flexural strength and also tensile strength, Moreover, compressive, flexural and tensile strength was positively affected by the addition of WTC and RSF for some mixtures. More percentage of weight fractions added gives high result in tensile strength. However, the workability of the concrete reinforced with both WTC and RSF was negatively affected.
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