Mohamud Abdirahman IBRAHIM, Musa Hakan ARSLAN


Having poor seismic performance reinforced concrete frame must be strengthened to reach sufficient seismic performance. The main factor that affects the seismic performance, designing and application of the anchor dowels in the connection zone of infill shear wall and weak reinforced frame. Connection between the frame and the infill wall are usually achieved by using dowels that are placed in the holes drilled into inner faces of the frame members, and fixed by a resin. In this study, the design and detailing guidelines for the design of the post-installed anchors in TEC (2007), ACI 318, JCI (2001) and IS15988 have been compared. According to the results, in ACI 318-14, the shear capacity of anchors is effected by embedment depth, anchor bar diameter, concrete strength, strength of the bar and edge distance. In TEC-2007, shear strength is affected only by two properties of the anchor bar: strength and diameter. JCI-2001 design code considers the two factors outlined in TEC-2007 and concrete strength. Based on the comparison conducted in this study, there are insufficient guidelines in TEC-2007 for the design and detailing of anchor bars that are typically used as connection between an existing frame and new RC infill wall.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Infill walls, Post-installed anchors, Strengthening, Shear capacity, Detailing.

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