The effects of rolling direction and notch radius on the mechanical response of aluminium 7075-T651 alloy were investigated and the Johnson-Cook damage parameters of aluminium 7075-T651 alloy on both rolling directions were determined. Specifically, mechanical responses of aluminium 7075-T651 along the rolling direction and perpendicular to the rolling direction were obtained from monotonic tensile tests. 56 tensile tests in total were performed on notched specimens with 3 different notch radiuses and smooth specimens. Tensile tests were repeated 7 times for each case to ensure the consistency and to obtain the closest mechanical response to the real mechanical response with minimum error. Experimental findings revealed that being perpendicular to the rolling direction deteriorates the elongation at failure dramatically but can increase the mechanical properties in elastic region. The final areas of the fractured samples, used for the calculation of Johnson-Cook damage parameters, were measured by an optical microscope. The Johnson-Cook damage parameters of aluminium 7075-T651 alloy for different applications were computed by Levenberg-Marquardt optimization method. Collectively, this study opens the venue for accurate damage simulations of aluminium 7075-T651 along the rolling direction and perpendicular to the rolling direction for different applications.
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