
One of the most important characteristics of modern manufacturing is the continuous variability of the demand. Today’s business world should be able to respond to sudden changes in order to survive the competitive environment. The dynamic layout planning that take into account the variability of demand in certain time periods is an example of these studies. The dynamic facility layout problems (DFLP) attempt to balance the handling and transportation costs. In this study, closeness rates between the departments are used as a parameter in DFLP model. In addition, a fuzzy decision system which integrates multiple input types is proposed to determine the closeness rates and an DFLP instance consisting of six departments and five periods is solved. Results obtained for conventional closeness rates and the rates obtained by the offered method are reported. The results indicate the superiority of the offered model over the conventional one.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Fuzzy decision support system; Fuzzy rule base; Closeness rates; Dynamic facility layout problem

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