

In Turkey, about 4000 people each year die in traffic accidents and about 200,000 people each year are injured. For this reason, this problem of road traffic in Turkey is found a solution to an urgent.  In this study, in ensuring of  security of road traffic has been intended to introduce of the importance of Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Antalya Province where is one of Turkey's major metropolises have the problem of heavy traffic. In this study has been made general statistical analysis in a GIS environment of road traffic accidents occurred in 2009 and 2010 years in Antalya Province Center. Also, traffic accidents has been analyzed by correlating environmental factors with parameters situated in a traffic accident data set.

In the beginning of this study, by using ArcMap-10 software, the satellite map of Antalya Province has been digitized. A database has been created with Arcmap-10 software using fatal-injury traffic accident datas occurred in Antalya City Center between 2009 and 2010 years. Fatal-injury traffic accidents on "Intersection" and "boulevard-highroad-street" have seperated of each other and by using accident datas (accident day, time interval of accident, occurrence type of accident, accident character, the number of dead, the number of injured) belonging to accidents occurring in each one, on a satellite map in the ArcMap-10 software of accidents were conducted the statistical evaluations in both visual and graphics. In GIS, the regions where have intensive of intersection accidents have been determined. As a result, at the intersections in Antalya Province Center, it was identified 41 accident hot spots for the year 2009, and was identified 57 accident hot spots for the year 2010. A total of 23 intersections were defined as accident hot spot in both years. Also, on boulevards-highroads-streets on the satellite map in Arc-Map-10 software has been determined 29 accident-prone regions as the years.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Keywords: Traffic accident analysing, Geographic Information System, Accident hot spots, Antalya, Accident-prone regions

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Telif Hakkı (c) 2016 Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi

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